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Portals, 2017

I am interested in the ideas of liminality and the concept of a liminal space serving as an in-between, transitional area, where reality can seem a little altered and ambiguous.

The word ‘liminal’ comes from the latin word ‘limens’ which means “threshold.” According to, “it is when you have left the tried and true, but have not yet been able to replace it with anything else.” That in-between feeling is defined as a liminal space.

Marc Augé says in his book Non-places, that spaces “which cannot be defined as relational, or historical, or concerned with identity will be a non-place.” He then goes on to say “since non-places are there to be passed through, they are measured in units of time.” If we can make the assumption that a liminal space can also be defined as a non-place, we can also make the assumption that liminality can also be measured in time, like twilight or midnight, the crossing over from one time to another – eg. Day to night, one day to another.

I am also fascinated with ideas regarding science fiction in its relation to liminal spaces. The slightly spooky, otherworldly presences often ‘felt’ in sci-fi films. I am especially interested in the idea of a ‘portal’ – a gateway, entrance or way in/way out. This is a common theme in sci-fi and can also be regarded as a liminal space since it is a crossing over - transitional area where something or someone can pass through.

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